The beauty of the ocean
Due to the uncertain legal situation in Germany, I have to label this article as advertising, even if I have not received any money for it.
Do you love the sea as well? The salty wind, the waves – sometimes gentle, sometimes wild … even as a child, I always felt attracted to the water and its world.
When I’m at the sea, I do not care what the weather is like. There’s nothing more beautiful.
I have had this love of the sea since my youngest childhood.
The environmental protection and me
I think it was awakened at an exhibition about whales by Greenpeace in the 1990s, as well as my interest in protecting the environment.
Therefore, with curiosity and joy, I observe the development of environmental awareness in society, economy and politics. Even though there is much more to be done of course, the positive change is already noticeable to me.
I remember being laughed at in 2003 when I wrote an article on rainforest protection for the school newspaper and warned about bee mortality in 2007 in geography lessons.
I was considered dumb and strange. Friendly phrased.
Progress in consciousness
Today, there are new projects to clean the oceans, protect the environment and also people who 10 years ago environmentalism still considered humbug, now finally begin to deal with the issue.
At least in Germany, the climate deniers are now in the minority and a 15-year-old girl from Sweden sets off a movement with her protest, as I could never have imagined with 15 years.
I still know how at the age of 13 I tried to start a signature campaign to protect Berlin libraries, which should be closed due to austerity measures and I received from our future head boy the answer: “We can not do anything anyway.” We are only children and who is already interested in our opinion? ” I was so angry because my peers were so apathetic.
That’s why I’m absolutely thrilled with what Greta Thunberg did and how today’s kids are involved. That gives me hope. My heart leaps in my chest.
What will the future bring?
So much for the positive part. Still, the sea is still used as a global garbage bin, so every time I walk the beach I wonder if we can somehow reverse the damage done to the ecosystem.
Will the grandchildren of my generation still be able to experience the beauty of the ocean? Will they be hungry and thirsty? Or can we reduce global suffering?
The way politics is going, it looks rather bad and I can imagine a future like in the dystopian science fiction movies of the 80s. Added to this are pseudo-eco-friendly innovations and campaigns, ill-conceived lifestyle trends that give the disciples the feeling of eco-absolution.
Nevertheless, environmental awareness is increasing and more attention is being paid to the fact that resources are not infinite and that it is not just about sustainability, but also about fairness. Because the goal is missed, if for some reason a group may not be able to afford a sustainable lifestyle.
It is our global challenge and, thanks to the technology of our time, the world has become more than ever a village.
Dumb and weird
Regarding the future, I am between pessimism and optimism, but no matter what prevails, I am not a person who gives up. More like a female Don Quixote.
Maybe I’m indeed “limited and weird,” but I’m fond of the beauty of our world.
Little website tip:
If you are also interested in environmental protection or just want to inform me, I recommend you the homepage of Utopia. This is a personal recommendation, because it has been my favorite homepage for sustainability for over 10 years.
Camera and lens
Camera: Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark II
Lens: Olympus M.Zuiko Digital 45mm 1:1,2
so simply written yet so powerful a commentary. Clearly, it comes from the heart. Me too, I’m somewhat of an environmental pilgrim, working on a coastal erosion piece, seeing large chunks of coastlines disappearing. And for us, even one CM is a lot because we are a small island nation of 1.4 million people surrounded by the beauty and invariably the fury of the oceans. Securing funding is a challenge because I am an Independent Producer, not linked to any NGO. I used to be a TV News Journalist/Anchor but now I’m on my own, trying to give exposure to the stark reality of Climate-Driven Sea Revel Rise and its deleterious impact on our vulnerable shorelines. I fully understand your thoughts and appreciate your passion.